CTRL+ Print !
If you are not sure what to look for when u go out to splurge and make the most out of the sale season, I'll make things easier for u. Just look for Miniature Prints! They come in all colors, types and silhouettes. They look light, airy and definitely make you look pretty ;)
Some of them are shown below.
Printed blouses
Bird print blouse
Animal print blouse
Wallis tie blouse
Dorothy Perkins printed shirt
dorothy perkins
dorothy perkins
Glamorous polka dot shirt
HnM blouse
You could wear these prints in the form of dresses (daytime and evening), skinny pants/ leggings, skirts and blazers as well. Still thinking? Don't! Else someone else will get them before you do. Its so tough to find sizes during Sales!

Below are some of my personal favorite prints
Stars, Birds and Polka Dot and Skulls!
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